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How easy it is to state what we are against, what we are anti. But "what we are for?" remains elusive. The question seems almost anachronistic today, simply because it requires us to justify our stance, forcing additional questions, "why do we want this?" and "how will/can we achieve it?" Ultimately, these questions are the essence of Politics without which "being anti" is reduced to posturing.

Christopher Kyriakides

Born: Glasgow, Scotland


Work: sociologist


Places: Europe

            Middle East





The relationship between geo-politics, public policy and the neighbourhood negotiation of racism, racialization, ethnicity and religious conflict.


The philisophical underpinnings of social and political thought and the implications of such for public policy related to immigration.


The relationship between human subjectivity and political action.


The conceptualisation of human development vis-a-vis "over-population", "over-consumption", "progress".

Human Interests: philosophy                                        anthropology


                             political thought




Intrigued by: anti-individualism



                  conspiratorial thinking




Repulsed by : Left sectarianism

                      academic posturing

                      disengagement                              as 'political' strategy

                      state authoritarianism

                      blanket anti-liberalism


                       anti-working class moralism


I enjoy reviewing papers and books. Keeps me fresh. I have reviewed for the following journals: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies - Journal of Ethnicity and Health - Ethnicities - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism - Bulletin of Historical Medicine - International Journal of Electronic Governance - Communication, Culture and Critique - International Sociology - New Political Science

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